quarta-feira, agosto 30, 2006

"The animals are our friends" series 1/15

Brand knew point of interest in the blog world...see the animals at their best!!!

Enjoy the toughts and worrys, the tears and smiles, the happyness and the sadness of our little friends....see the animals as you've never seen before!!



public annoucement: no animals were armed in the making of this commercial...well..except that stupid annoing fly that was constantly picking my forehead.....stupid bastard...how's laughing now, hey, my little squeezed friend, hey!?!?...hum...but flies aren´t animals, aren´t they?....hum...

ps2: é do stress e da ansiedade, tenho de me rir de algum modo, nem que seja sozinho..


Blogger Morgana tatuou isto...

hahahahahahahahahahahah!!! eh pá!! q coisa mais altamente!! espero os próximos capítulos com ansiedade... pena não poder dar grande gargalhada aqui no office..iam pensar q endoidei!!!

4:37 da tarde  
Blogger maria tatuou isto...

eu faço-te companhia a rir, não te preocupes:)

4:44 da tarde  

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